Lessons from COP 26
We had two services around the time of COP 26 when we looked at the world God created and charged us to look after. We watched the Tearfund presentation about how people in the world have been affected or displaced due to climate change and then in the second we were challenged by some of the grandchildren to do what we can towards a greener world. We all wrote prayers on green hearts which will be on display outside the church. Finally we were told of the future hope we have in our Everlasting Father.
Challenges from our young people
Plant trees.
Plant wild flowers seeds for the bees in the garden and on the verges.
Set bird feeders.
Organise a clothes swish.
Walk instead of driving.
Car share
Clear litter
Turn off lights when not using them
Turn off all electric appliances when finished with them.
Save water
Reuse plastic boxes, bags etc.
Avoid single use plastics. Take own net bags to the supermarket for vegetables.
Make an insect hotel
Take a plant pot and a cane.
Cut the cane into lengths so that they fit into the pot without protruding.
Leave spaces but fill up to avoid movement of the canes.
Find a sunny south facing place and make a base of stones. Protect from rain by tipping the pot slightly downwards