Rosehall Church
Rosehall lies on the western fringes of the parish. It boasts a rich heritage of crofting, trout and salmon fishing on its famous rivers and benefits from community-run trails through the forestry.
The church has a strong core membership of worshippers who are involved in the weekly running of the church, taking turns reading at the services and being actively involved in the general maintenance and housekeeping of the building. At our earlier summer services, a shorter service has been led once a month by our elders, followed by coffee and home bakes with a chance to catch up on all the goings-on in the community
The Parish
The Friends of Rosehall Church of Scotland raise funds for the church at a bi-annual sale of work. Other highlights arranged over the year include the magnificent flower festival, ‘open church’ drop-in days on Saturdays through part of the summer, fundraising bbq’s, and the very special ‘Carols by Candlelight’ watchnight service on Christmas Eve. Achness Hotel is another focal point of the parish, offering superb food and very comfortable accommodation. It is popular with fishers and hillwalkers, holds regular fund-raising quiz nights as well as informal ‘Turn up and Play’ music nights. The long-established and ever popular Four Seasons Club, meets at Achness Hotel monthly for lunch, organises various trips throughout the year and holds an annual sale.
Although numbers remain relatively small, Rosehall Primary School continues to gain an excellent reputation for producing alert, confident and happy children who will then go on to attend secondary school at either Golspie, Dornoch or Tain. There is one full-time teacher and a variety of supporting staff. There is a strong link to the local church with the minister being invited to visit on a regular basis. A highlight of Christmas in recent years has been the children’s nativity play there. Pupils will often link up with a local countryside expert for nature walks on the myriad of local trails to learn more about the birds and animals to be found in the area, along with basic outdoor survival skills of cooking and shelter-building.
Along with ceilidhs, tea dances and sales of work, the village hall is the meeting place for various village activities. It is also a popular venue for theatre and music touring companies which provide a full programme of events. There is also a local historical society, badminton and a music and arts group. An annual Rosehall Information sheet is produced to give to new residents and the information is put on the village website:
All residents are encouraged to belong to the village email list for ease of distribution of local information about events.
News and Events
Community and Church Activities
Maundy Thursday 14 April 2022
The Friends of Rosehall Church sponsored walk
Rosehall Remembrance 14 November 2021
Mediterranean Night in Rosehall Village Hall
Rosehall Harvest Festival
Kyle of Sutherland Churches
The Kyle of Sutherland Churches area comprises 3 Parishes and 5 Churches. The first is the Parish of Kincardine, Croick and Edderton (K C & E), the others are Creich, based in Bonar Bridge and Rosehall.
KCE: Rev Mary Stobo 01863 766868
Creich: Jeani Hunter 01862 810 544
Rosehall: Colin Gilmour 01549 441 374
Rosehall Church of Scotland; Remembrance Sunday 13 November 2022
There was a short commemoration at Rosehall War Memorial led by Lt Colonel Colin Gilmour who said prayers for those named on it. He laid a wreath on behalf on the Sutherland Lieutenancy, Mrs Carol Gilmour on behalf of the British Legion and Donald Macdonald on behalf of Sutherland Masonic Lodge. Individual crosses were laid by other residents of the parish. The Remembrance service was held in the Church of Scotland when the congregation were pleased to welcome back for the day Mrs Dorothy and Dr Victor Bruce who played the organ. Lily Byron read the names of the fallen from the parish while John Wood read Binyon’s words. Jennifer Munro responded with the Kohima epitaph and Anne Gould read Psalm 46. Adrian Fenn read John McCrae’s “In Flanders fields” before Colin Gilmour gave an address based on the psalm’s teaching that trust should overcome fear in times of trouble. A collection for the work of the Earl Haig Fund through PoppyScotland raised £136.
Video of Watchnight Service at Rosehall
The Friends of Rosehall Church sponsored walk
The Friends of Rosehall Church of Scotland, having decided to postpone their biennial sale, were looking for other fund-raising ideas and came up with the plan to run a sponsored walk. The weather was fine on Saturday 2nd October, the day set for the 4 mile walk from Achness Hotel to Keeper’s Cottage, Glencassley or an 8 mile walk for those who wished to do the return journey. Ten people, including our oldest resident, Charlie Byron (90) and Gladys McCulloch, still recovering from a stroke, walked the 4 miles, to be welcomed by Paula White, who provided soup, sandwiches, cake and coffee for everyone outside her home. The Friends are very grateful to Anne Snody, Annette Smith and Colin Gilmour for providing transport for those needing lifts back to the hotel and to the walkers and sponsors. Everyone enjoyed the day, while raising a grand total of just over £900.
Another idea was to run a weekly local history exhibition in the church every Tuesday while the Post Office van was parked outside. This was enjoyed by the people who came and brought new people into the church. Donations for the exhibition amounted to £37.